Together We Bloom
Urban Farm in Ogden, Utah
We grow flowers {and food} for the local community with sustainable practices and radical love.
About Our Farm:
Together We Bloom Was Born from Love
It all started in early 2021 when we planned our wedding during the pandemic.
There was a small, natural field behind our family home.
One day, as I looked out at this field, I envisioned planting flowers there and ‘growing’ our own wedding venue.
We got married that August; at sunset, underneath the full moon, in our flower patch that we had spent the entire season tending to. This flower patch is where we nurture the earth, our souls, and each other. It was sacred. We wed surrounded by these flowers and our loved ones.
As we exchanged vows, we vowed to practice love for ourselves, for each other, and we also vowed to always have a garden where we can share the bounty of our love with the community
After 2021, and our small backyard garden, I knew that if we wanted to build a business that we would need access to more land. There was a big, open piece of grass on some urban, private property near my house that I would often drive by. I would stop and look at it and envision it filled with flowers. I wondered to myself, ‘how do I find the person who owns this property so that I can ask them about growing there.’
Well, the property owner found me. In spring of 2022, we moved our growing operation here. It was a lot of work and money to turn compacted turf into a garden. We grew there for free from 2022-2023 in hopes of helping the property owner to get a large enough agriculture tax break that it would be our rent to grow there.
Now, in 2024, we have put in nearly 50k dollars in infrastructure and perennial plants, hoping to build this into something for the long term. However, because the tax break did not make the impact we had hoped, we owe $5,000 a year to rent the land.
This has been an enormous shock since agriculture land usually goes for $200-$300 per year (per acre) if we go further west.. but that would involve moving our farm and driving 30+ minutes each way to get to a farm.
So for now, we are continuing to try to make it work on our little urban farm, but if we cannot make it work by the end of 2025, we will sell of what we can and put an end to Together We Bloom.
Trying to Make it Work:
For the past 2 years, the Ogden Farmers Market has been the cornerstone of our business and it has allowed us to meet so many of our wonderful customers and community members.
Unfortunately, we trusted the people who run the market to have the best interest for the small flower farmers who have called the Farmers Market Home for years.
In the past, florists were not permitted at the market- only flower farmers could sell their local flowers the market. (Just like grocery stores are not there to sell produce.)
This year, they got a nearly completely new staff and they decided that they are going to allow florists to sell at the market.
We fought this decision, we wrote detailed reports on how this negatively impacts local flower farmers, taking away our market. And, how it makes local flowers unrecognizable, something that local flower farmers have been fighting to establish for many years.
They decided to let their decision stand.
We believe the Ogden Farmers Market no longer can support the flower farmers they claim to, so we have chosen to leave the market.
We are disappointed at the outcome, but this is what feels right so we are following that.
We thank you for your support during this transitional time filled with unknowns.
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