Together We Bloom- Utah Dahlia Flower Farm Tuber Shop

Shop Together We Bloom’s Dahlia Tubers:

Hello and welcome to our online dahlia tuber shop. Below you will find all of the dahlia varieties that we are selling this 2025 season. Many of these are our tried and true favorites for our cut-flower farm. Others we trialed on a smaller scale this year so there is limited inventory and photos available.

Due to the loss of our farmland in 2024, we are sad to be in the position to rehome the majority of our dahlia tubers until we can get agricultural land again. We grew hundreds of dahlias on our small farm and worked hard to get our collection together. These orders mean so much to us. Thank you helping these tubers find their new home!

Please make sure that you read the full information and terms and conditions at the bottom of this page before placing your order.

Shipping is a flat rate of $10. Free local pick-up is available in Ogden, Utah.

If the variety you want is sold out, we will be doing an Inventory restock on Saturday, March 29 at 9am MST. You can delay your order shipment or pick up until after the restock (at the checkout screen) so that you can add to your order. (sign up for our newsletter for an email reminder.)

You will also notice that we are selling our mother tubers this year at a discounted rate since we are not planting them ourselves. Learn more about this at the bottom of the page.

Happy shopping, and don’t forget to visit our main dahlia page to explore more.

Terms and Conditions of Your Order

Purchasing any of the items above acts as an agreement to and understand of these terms and conditions listed here. If you have any questions, you can email us at

  • Typical Dahlia Tubers – These are the classic dahlia tubers that we divide each year from our dahlia clumps. They are tubers produced by last year’s single planted tubers (Mothers.) They are vigorous and full of life, ready to take off and bloom abundantly.

    Mother Tubers – These are the single tubers that we planted last year. They then went on to form an entire clump of new tubers underground (typical tubers, known as daughter tubers.)

    Generally, we replant the majority of our Mother Tubers ourselves. Because we no longer have our farm to plant them at, we are offering them at a discounted price. Sometimes, they do not grow as abundantly as their daughters, but they still produce beautiful blooms and will still generate new tubers.

    This is a great budget-friendly option to add some of these varieties to your collection while helping our mother tubers find a home.

  • If you live in Northern Utah, you are welcome to opt for local pick up (South Ogden.)

    • Please only choose this option if you can commit to coming and picking up your order within 10 days of placing the order.

    • If a variety that you want is sold out, you can choose to have us hold your order (at checkout) until we restock our website on March 29.

    • Any orders that are being held until restock must be picked up by April 8 regardless of if another order was placed or not.

    • I will reach out to you to coordinate your pick up Please put an email address and phone number (at checkout) that I can reach you at.

    • Missed Pickup: If you miss your order pick up window, we may require you to pay the $10 shipping fee via venmo. Orders that are not picked up may be treated as a customer cancelation resulting in a refund 50% of the total cost.

    • If you cannot commit to picking up your order, it is your responsibility to choose shipping.

  • We will ship dahlia tubers in a box. They will be in their own labeled baggie with woodchips to protect them, moderate moisture and insulate them.

    We ship orders for a $10 flat rate fee across the United States*

    At checkout, you will have the option of immediate shipping, or for us to hold your order for the inventory restock on March 29.

    For immediate shipping orders: There are no order add on’s for immediate shipping orders. We plan to ship dahlia tuber orders within 7 days of recieving your order. However, in the event of storms or low temperatures in our area, we reserve the right to hold off shipment.

    For orders held for restock:There is an option at chekout for free shipping for an add-on order.** Any orders that were held for restock will ship immediately after the second order has been placed after restock. No additional orders can be combined. If no second order is recieved by April 5, We will begin shipping your first order.

    * We reserve the right to contact you and request an additional payment for shipping if the cost of shipping your order is significantly over this $10 amount. This is not a common occurance. However, in this scenario we will not ship the order until the additional amount is paid. If additional shipping payment is not made within 10 days, we reserve the right to assume customer cancelation and refund 50% of the order total.

    **If you choose the free shipping option instead of choosing to pay for shipping, you will have to pay a total of $15 for shipping via venmo within 7 days of contact in order to recieve your order. This additional fee will act as an inconveniece fee. If payment is not recieved for shipping within 7 days we will consider this customer cancelation and refund the order 50% of the total.

  • Customer must educate themself on how to grow and care for their dahlia tubers and grow the dahlias.

    Customers must check tubers upon receipt and ensure the product is satisfactory.

    If it is not satisfactory, customer must contact us within 2 days of recieving the order with photos. Replacements or refunds can be discussed if there is a problem. Do not discard tubers until a resolution has occured with Together We Bloom.

  • We reserve the right to cancel part or all of your order and issue a refund (for the canceled varieties) if we run into any unexpected tuber issues.

    The customer may cancel their order at any time (before the order has shipped.)

    Customer-canceled orders are eligible for a 50% refund per the refund notes below.

  • To the best of our knowledge- we are sending you healthy tubers with at least one eye/growth point that is ready to grow.

    However, dahlia virus and diseases are very common- and often lay dormant in the plants. Sick plants will generally still flower and grow ‘normally’, they may not even show signs of sickness.

    Because dahlia diseases and viruses are so common and can spread by insects, soil, water, and other plants, we only offer refunds for tubers that show suspicion of sickness within the first 6 weeks of the shipment date. Send us an email with photos if your tuber is showing signs of sickness or disease.

    We do take disease monitoring seriously. We obsere and cull throughout the season, during division we sanitize between each tuber clump, and use alcohol to keep things sterile. We do not divide or sell anything that looks abnormal.

    If your tuber fails to sprout within 6 weeks of planting, please contact us with photos of the tuber so that we can troubleshoot what the problem may be.

  • We try to be very careful in our labeling but mistakes do happen. If you get the wrong tuber variety from us, send us a pic of it flowering and we can discuss how to make it right

  • The total cost of the dahlia tubers includes: the reservation of your tubers and the care for your live tubers. For this reason, we are only able to offer 50% refunds on customer order cancelations to account for restocking and caring for a plant that now has no home.

  • We want you to have success!

    If you need to contact us about problems with your order, send an email to with your order number and photos and let us know what the problem is. Do not discard any tubers until you complete all communication with Together We Bloom.

    However, you can also DM us about updates and general growing questions through instagram too. We love to see your updates!

    Visit our troubleshooting and FAQ page to learn more, we have more info coming soon but it is a great resource.

Your dahlia tubers will come with a pink Dahlia Time sticker on the box.