Fall Planting For Easy Spring Flowers Workshop
Join us for an educational opportunity on our small farm in South Ogden.
This workshop is perfect for aspiring gardeners, those who want to grow their own cut flowers, and experienced gardeners looking to expand on what they grow.
Please see all of the information below before booking
Join us for an educational opportunity on our small farm in South Ogden.
This workshop is perfect for aspiring gardeners, those who want to grow their own cut flowers, and experienced gardeners looking to expand on what they grow.
Please see all of the information below before booking
Join us for an educational opportunity on our small farm in South Ogden.
This workshop is perfect for aspiring gardeners, those who want to grow their own cut flowers, and experienced gardeners looking to expand on what they grow.
Please see all of the information below before booking
Topics the Workshop Will Cover:
Flowers to Direct Seed this Fall: Direct seeding is my favorite way to grow flowers with ease because Mother Nature does most of the hard work for us. You will have the option to purchase seeds to take home and plant.
Fall Planting Perennials, Bareroots, Bulbs, and More: Fall is a great time to enhance your garden with these plants. We will offer some fall bulbs for purchase as well.
Fall Clean Up: What tasks and chores should you do in the fall to prep for next year’s garden and what should you wait until spring to do?
Saving Your Own Seeds for Next Year: We will chat about some basics of seed saving.
Dividing and Transplanting Perennials: This is the best time of year to share perennials with your friends or neighbors or to get more ‘free plants’ to expand your own garden or landscape.
What is Included:
An intimate workshop setting with 6-15 people
Light Refreshments & beverages as we sit around a large, shared table on the farm.
60-90 minutes of education and discussion
A casual, open-dialogue-based setting where we can share experiences with each other.
An opportunity to ask questions and gain new knowledge
A post-workshop digital document (that will be emailed after the workshop) with in-depth information, resources, and links
The option to buy fall-planted seeds, bulbs, and plants from us that day.
Terms & Conditions of our Workshop:
Please note that we do not have a restroom on the farm, we do have businesses across the street from us that you can visit before, during, or after.
We are a working farm. The participant takes full responsibility for their own safety and well-being while at the workshop and will reach out before booking if they have specific concerns.
You are welcome to gift your spot to someone else if you can no longer attend the workshop
The event is rain or shine, please dress to feel comfy. In the event of extreme weather, we will reschedule the workshop by sending out an email the day of.
We require at least 6 people to be signed up for the workshop. Please invite your friends and family to join us!